Anti-Counterfeiting Investigation Services

trademark investigation services in east africa

Anti-Counterfeiting Investigations in East Africa

GREVESGROUP® is an experienced and renowned name offering anti-counterfeit investigation, trademark and brand protection services in East African Countries.

We understand that a company’s success relies on its skills to safeguard its IP assets and standing in the industry. Counterfeit on the products, no matter the industry can jeopardize his reputation and brand damage if the situation is not handled well.

GREVESGROUP®’s anti-counterfeiting team handles such cases with ease across the globe. Having been working in the industry for decades, we have fostered strong business ties with local investigators, local regulatory authorities, and prosecutors to safeguard the client’s brand.

Following an extensive approach and strategy, the very first step in the process includes identifying the chief culprits of your case, followed by investigating and putting a stop at the correct time before major damage is done.

Techniques followed while offering intellectual property investigation services

The team of specialists working at GREVESGROUP® and on your case will provide you the desired information regarding your case and the counterfeit products. Our work process involves following the conventional approach and methods together with the latest technologies and detailed data analysis.

With a wide network, we work towards gaining an insight into the criminal networks and the brain behind the counterfeits. For achieving the best results for clients, we believe making the best use of the connections built ensuring unparalleled results in each case and helping clients protect their brand and company’s reputation.

It’s quite commonly observed that high-end brands and top-notch companies are the ones that fall prey to the fraud and counterfeit. Such a practice is predominantly present in East African Countries where the replicas of any and every rand are available on the streets. This practice apart from being criminal has also resulted in major brands and manufacturing units lose billions of dollars in the international market.

At GREVESGROUP®, we understand that the cases of counterfeiting have increased massively, so much so that the current statistics prove even medium-sized and small brands being counterfeited.

We realize that each time a phony product is sold; it not just plays negatively with your brand image but also hurts your company’s finances to a great extent by placing cheap quality products with your company’s logo or trademark on them. It thus becomes imperative to stamp out the practice completely for the betterment of your and numerous other genuine businesses and brands. GREVESGROUP® offers a plethora of professional counterfeit investigation services that would not just shield your brand but would also give a no-tolerance message to the offenders.

GREVESGROUP® - Your Trusted Brand Protection Investigations Partner

Given that counterfeiting has become a widespread plague, law enforcement firms find no time and resources to investigate each case thoroughly. This is where the anti-counterfeit investigators of GREVESGROUP® can prove resourceful because of its worldwide reach and resources. Our skilled and trained investigators work towards tracing down the supply chain and locations of the phony products.

International Reach

Maximum counterfeit cases are reported t take place n foreign soil, thus making it important to hire the services of a company with international links and reach. Our specialists understand that cross-border investigations are complex in nature and calls for a better and extensive understanding of local laws and regulations. With its global presence, GREVESGROUP® has all the necessary contacts to trace down the information and criminals hiding in any corner of the world.

Legal Guidance

After all the significant information has been collected, the lawyers who form a team of GREVESGROUP® would work towards suggesting the next best course of action. We would assist you in following the best possible approach on how to pursue the reimbursement or which criminal action to take again the fraudsters. Greves Group would be there to offer you the necessary assistance at each step of your process all the while following the local laws of the place where the crime took place.

Discover Sources of trademark and brand counterfeiting

One of the steps while undertaking the investigation is to identify the chef source of counterfeit which would include the details of the persons and companies responsible for the idea and production of pirated products.

The team at GREVESGROUP® to authenticate their research identifies the various and major distribution channels and documents the purchase of the alleged counterfeit products. The chief reason behind the purchase apart from collecting the evidence is to not arise any suspicion in the minds of the fraudsters ad maintain anonymity. The purchase is filmed or documented in order to ensure that the products can be used as evidence while filing the lawsuit for counterfeiting.

Skilled and Ethical Anti-Counterfeit Investigation Services

Anti-counterfeit investigators at GREVESGROUP® very well understand that as a prominent or a new brand, your company’s reputation would be the most important asset and that is why we undertake our investigations following a professional and ethical approach throughout. Having years of experience in the industry and having solved innumerable complex cases with ease, you can be assured that the specialists at GREVESGROUP® would handle your case with utmost caution and professionalism.

From the time we discuss your project, our professionals would work towards creating a plan of action that would protect a brand’s reputation from counterfeiting. Our main aim is to work for preventing any further acts of piracy or counterfeit that can damage your brand’s image in the international market.

Whether you are seeking for investigation services for safeguarding your brand’s global protection or to pursue counterfeit products that might hamper your product’s image in the industry, our team would diligently work towards customizing a program that would meet your business requirements and is easy on your pockets.

Also, if you have any queries regarding our intellectual property and anti-counterfeit investigation services, we would be happy to give you the answers. One thing you can be assured about is that throughout the investigation, we would completely adhere to the confidentiality clause and treat your brand like our own.

Get in touch with us for best Anti-Counterfeit Investigation Services in East African Community region

To know more about how our Anti-Counterfeit Investigators can help you in East African Community countries; Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda.

Please feel free to contact us in case any sort of assistance is required related to anti-counterfeit investigation services in East Africa. You may contact us at [email protected].